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Category: News/Events

Why Having Cataracts Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Life

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of age-related vision loss. You can also develop cataracts early for reasons like corticosteroid use and eye injuries.  While cataracts can affect your vision, they shouldn’t take over your life. Keep reading to learn more about cataracts, how they can affect you, and why having cataracts doesn’t have… Read More

Am I a Good Candidate for Eyelid Surgery?

Do friends or family often ask why you’re tired or what’s bothering you? With age, it’s natural for the skin on your eyelids to stretch, wrinkle, and sag. Although this happens to most people, these changes can leave you feeling frustrated, worn out, and older than you are. The good news is that eyelid surgery… Read More

Why Custom Vision is Possible Thanks to the Light Adjustable Lens

When cataracts interfere with your vision, making it difficult to perform routine daily tasks, your ophthalmologist will recommend cataract surgery. The procedure involves removing and replacing your natural lens with an artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL). The Light Adjustable Lens is the only IOL that can offer fully customized vision following cataract surgery…. Read More

Why Doesn’t Glaucoma Have More Obvious Symptoms?

Do you or someone you love have glaucoma? You’re not alone. Glaucoma is a leading cause of permanent blindness in the United States and worldwide. Of the approximately 3 million Americans with glaucoma, only half know they have it. How is this possible? The main reason is that many forms of glaucoma have no symptoms… Read More

The 7 Best Ways to Prepare and Reduce Anxiety Before Cataract Surgery

Are you feeling anxious about undergoing cataract surgery? You may be fearful about the unknown, afraid of feeling pain, or worried that the procedure won’t go well. Feeling nervous before a procedure is incredibly common. However, there are several things you can do to bring yourself peace of mind and ensure everything goes smoothly. Keep… Read More

What an Eye Doctor Can Tell You About Your Health

You may be able to see well enough to drive, tell colors apart, read a menu, recognize faces, and perform other activities. But your eyes may reveal an underlying health condition you didn’t know you had. Seeing your eye doctor for eye exams is necessary for keeping your eyes healthy, but they may also tell… Read More

4 Reasons Teenagers Shouldn’t Get LASIK

LASIK has become very popular, and it’s easy to see why. The vision correction procedure can eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses in qualified patients. Moreover, it’s a quick outpatient procedure with very high success rates. Because LASIK reshapes the cornea permanently, patients can look forward to many years of crisp, clear vision…. Read More

When Your Dry Eyes Are More than Irritation

Are your eyes tired and irritated? Do you have blurred or double vision? These could be symptoms of dry eyes or dry eye syndrome. Dry eyes happen when you lack enough tears or don’t make the correct kinds of tears. Dry eye syndrome is a highly prevalent eye condition that causes uncomfortable symptoms that often… Read More

What is Diabetic Retinopathy, and is it Preventable?

Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes that affects the blood vessels in your retina. The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of your eye. It converts the light that enters your eye into electric signals and sends it to your brain so you can see. If left untreated, diabetic retinopathy can cause… Read More

What is a Pterygium, and Can You Treat One?

A pterygium is a non-cancerous, slightly raised growth on your conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the thin, transparent membrane that covers the white of your eye (sclera) and the inner surface of your eyelids. The conjunctiva protects and lubricates your eye by producing tears and mucus. A pterygium can look unsightly and cause uncomfortable symptoms like… Read More

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