February 2017 | Evergreen Eye Center

Monthly Archives: February 2017

February Is AMD & Low Vision Awareness Month

February isn’t just for love letters and Valentines, it is also National AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of vision loss among older Americans. It affects approximately 15 million Americans over the age of 50. What is macular degeneration? Macular degeneration is a loss of central vision. Central vision… Read More

Evergreen Joins the Fight Against Kidney Disease

In January, our employees voted on charities they’d like to support this year. From there, we determined the top five and decided to support these charities in a variety of ways. (We’ll write a bit about each charity and what Evergreen employees are doing to give back as the year progresses.) Our first charity is… Read More

Understanding Glaucoma Treatment

Though many don’t realize it, it’s important to get tested for glaucoma, as it’s known as “the sneak thief of sight.” Unfortunately, glaucoma shows no symptoms, and once vision is lost, it’s permanent. What you need to know about glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye conditions that damage the optic nerve, which is essential to… Read More

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