Dry Eyes Seattle | Dry Eye Tacoma | Evergreen Eye

Dry Eyes

End Dry Eyes with Evergreen’s High-Tech, Experienced Eyecare

Woman using eyedrops for dry eyes

Tears are necessary for your overall eye health. But there are problems that can develop, including insufficient tear production or tears that evaporate too quickly due to improper chemical makeup. This is known as dry eye syndrome.

For those who don’t suffer from it, dry eye sounds like a minor nuisance. But for those who do, even performing simple tasks like reading, watching television, driving and working can be difficult. At Evergreen Eye Center, our experienced, caring ophthalmologists combine advanced skills and capabilities to get to the bottom of your dry eye symptoms and provide the relief and normalcy you deserve.

Insufficient oil production accounts for most dry eye symptoms

Most people who experience dry eye symptoms have what is known as evaporative dry eye. Evaporative dry eye is when the tear film coating the eye evaporates too quickly because of insufficient oil (lipid) content. This is most often the result of a blockage in the Meibomian glands, tiny glands at the rims of the eyelids that produce the oil necessary for normal tear evaporation.

Man suffering from dry eye syndrome

The resulting rapid evaporation leads to:

  • Dryness – a constant sandy or scratchy sensation
  • Watery eyes (counterintuitive, but a hallmark symptom)
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision that fluctuates throughout the day
  • Discomfort in windy or dry conditions
  • Difficulty performing visual tasks, such as reading, watching TV and driving
  • Inability to wear contact lenses
  • Constant use of eye drops
  • Symptoms that worsen late in the day

Using leading-edge methods to understand and successfully treat dry eye

At Evergreen Eye Center, we strive to provide the highest standard of patient-first care, including optimal outcomes. Our medical eye specialists use the most advanced technologies and techniques to diagnose and completely understand your dry eye and then to treat it so you can get back to comfort and normalcy.

Here are some of the ways we help you get relief:

  • BlephEx® – Blepharitis, chronic inflammation of the eyelids, is common among people with dry eye. It can affect tear production and lead to dry eye… and to chronic irritation. With BlephEx, we can safely and precisely clean the lids and lashes. This often provides some immediate symptom relief and can help prevent long-term damage to the tear glands and, therefore, chronic dry eye.
  •  iLux®  This device is used to heat and compress glands in the eyelids of adult patients with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD), a specific type of chronic and progressive dry eye, also known as evaporative dry eye.  iLux®  treatments can be added to many dry eye regimens and can offer symptom relief for several months or more.  Just one 8-12 minute Systane® iLux® treatment has been shown to increase Meibomian gland function by 300% at 4 weeks post-treatment, compared to baseline.

For answers to common questions about dry eye and our advanced diagnostics and treatments, visit our FAQ page. To schedule an appointment to see an Evergreen ophthalmologist devoted to patient-first care, call 800-340-3595.

See our Dry Eye Questionnaire.

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