The Oldest Eye Hospital in Greece | Evergreen Eye Center

The Oldest Eye Hospital in Greece

This blog post was written by Indi Rooney, Director of Marketing for Evergreen Eye Center.

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Greece.

As I meandered around Athens, I came upon an interesting old building. Curious, I looked for a sign and was not disappointed.

The Ophthalmiatrio Eye Hospital is the oldest eye clinic in Greece and one of the oldest hospitals in all of Europe. It has been in service to the community for over 150 years.

Further research showed that the Ophthalmiatrio Eye Hospital was founded in 1843. In 1856, it became the official hospital of the Medical School of the University of Athens. It was then headed by Andreas Anagnostakis, who is credited for the development of the hand-held ophthalmoscope, which significantly advanced the design and use of the original ophthalmoscope invented by Hermann von Helmholtz.

(You have probably seen this handy device when you had an eye exam. It is used to see inside the eye.)

Today the scientific contributions of Ophtalmiatrio Eye Hospital are recognized by ophthalmological centers around the world. They continue to provide patient care in the same core competencies as Evergreen Eye Center – cataracts, vision correction, dry eye, medical retina and more.

Stumbling upon the hospital certainly made my trip a little more interesting and made me a little homesick for my Evergreen family.

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