Evergreen Eye Center Walks Safeco Field for the First Annual Seattle Kidney Walk

Evergreen Eye Center Walks Safeco Field for the First Annual Seattle Kidney Walk

On a chilly Sunday morning, Evergreen employees hit the concourse at Safeco Field for the 2017 Seattle Kidney Walk! The walk took place on Sunday, March 26 at 10 a.m. and was the first year The National Kidney Foundation held this event in Seattle. Further, The Seattle Kidney Walk is the only charity walk to happen inside Safeco Field!


Our team captain was Amber Peninger, who is Evergreen’s scheduling center manager. She walked in memory of her father who passed away in 2016 from kidney failure.

Evergreen Eye Center was a proud sponsor of the walk. In addition to the sponsorship, our employees raised over $500 to support our walk team.

The positive energy of the hundreds gathered for the walk was invigorating. We met donors, survivors, friends and families affected by kidney disease. Kids played our Evergreen cornhole board for prizes. We talked with several people about the connection between chronic kidney disease and eye health.

The Seattle Kidney Walk was the first of several charitable activities the employees of Evergreen Eye Center have voted to support. Stay tuned as we support more charities in our community!

To learn more about the National Kidney Foundation and their work, visit https://www.kidney.org/.

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