Evergreen Eye Center a pioneer in cataract surgery | Evergreen Eye Center

Evergreen Eye Center a pioneer in cataract surgery

There is simply no better venue than Tacoma’s Museum of Glass to give an educational talk about clarity, vision, and a cutting edge procedure that is gaining popularity in the US. On August 25, Dr. Robert A. Tester of Evergreen Eye Center spoke to more than thirty referring optometrists from Puget Sound about micro-incisional cataract surgery or MICS.

The surgery entails the removal of a cataract through an incision no larger than 1.8 mm — the thickness of a quarter. The technology to extract cataracts through so small an incision didn’t even exist until August 2009, and surgeons at Evergreen Eye Center were the first in the Northwest to adopt it. Dr. Tester is a recognized leader in the procedure. In October he gave a lecture on MICS at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, sharing his experience with the technique alongside ophthalmologists from around the world.

Dr. Tester routinely uses the MICS technique, and has found many benefits including:

  • Patients experience less discomfort
  • Less astigmatism is induced at the time of surgery
  • There may be a reduction in risk of infection
  • Vision is sharper on day one after the surgery

Thank you to all who attended, and congrats to Dr. Tester on a successful and well-attended talk.

Though the event is not part of a regular series, Evergreen Eye Center does offer occasional events for continuing education credit. For information on upcoming lectures in ophthalmology, please bookmark our website and check back frequently.

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