Charity Archives | Evergreen Eye Center


Giving Back to the Community, Offering Education and More with Team Evergreen

The team at Evergreen Eye Center has certainly been busy in our community over the past few weeks! We sponsored the annual Maple Valley Black Diamond Chamber of Commerce Gala. The event took place at Rein Fire Ranch and was a huge success. We also had a busy booth at the Burien Wellness Fair at… Read More

Evergreen Leadership Takes a Splash for a Good Cause

During a week when temperatures in the greater Seattle area are set to hit 100 – a dunk chair seems like a very good idea. Especially when you can raise money for a great cause! Members of Evergreen Eye Center’s senior leadership (and a few docs!) took turns sitting in the chair while employees took… Read More

Evergreen Kicks Off Fundraising for the 2017 VisionWalk and Tacoma Heart & Stroke Walk

Evergreen Eye Center held kick off luncheons at all locations this month for their teams for the 2017 Washington VisionWalk and the 2017 Puget Sound Heart & Stroke Walk. In addition to having teams in the walks, Evergreen is also proud to sponsor each event. The 2017 Washington VisionWalk is in Seattle on Saturday, October… Read More

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